
It is vital that all students aim to have excellent attendance at college. Research shows that even a few days of absence can have a negative impact on students’ performance. The Castle Rock School operates the following attendance grid when reporting to parents: 

98% and above Excellent
96-97.9% Good
95-95.9% Satisfactory
90-94.9% Cause for Concern
Below 90% Unacceptable

The school operates the Truancy Call System to notify parents if their child has not arrived and in college. 

Parents can help by notifying us in advance about planned absences and arrange medical or dental appointments outside the school day, where possible. 

It would also be useful if parents could contact the school by 10am to let us know if their son/daughter is going to be absent. 

The college day begins at 8.35am and all students are expected to be in college by this time, regardless of the distance they may have to travel. Students arriving after this time must sign in at the Main Reception. 

For more detailed information, please see our Attendance Policy