June 21, 2023

Green Room Students Enterprise Project

We are so proud of 'The Green Room Provision' at The Castle Rock school which provides students from the Trust a variety of holistic opportunities.

Our Green room students have been busy this half term engaging with the following projects:

Woodworking has involved producing a pet bowl stand for either a cat/dog or a chess/draughts board from scrap wood. Students have learned how to use tools correctly, how join pieces of wood together and been proud of their ability to make something out of nothing! Our students have also created their own 'enterprise' project where they have been selling their products to staff. If you would like to order a chess board, birdbox or dog/ cat bowl, please contact Miss Saye for more information. We will also be sharing our advertising poster soon......watch this space!

Students have also taken part in cooking sessions where they have made their own dessert or cake by researching the ingredients, developing their own method, working out their cooking time and working out their costings. Students then had the opportunity to make their dessert or cake following their planned method and research.

Finally, our students have just begun their outdoor learning project which will involve sessions on fire lighting, survival skills through tool use, learning how to tie knots and specie identification. On top of this, our students will try their hand at cooking on an open fire, using a trangia stove, and whittling!

Watch this space for more updates!